Meet David

Surviving Adventures - Family, Career, & Adventure | Meet David 1
That face...

Meet David

Hi there! I am so flattered that you care enough about who I am. I won’t let you down: I absolutely love talking about things that we have learned.

By the end of this page, you’ll probably feel like you know me well. I would love to connect on social media!

Surviving Adventures - Family, Career, & Adventure | Meet David 2

Meet David

David is originally from Southern California and grew up splitting time with Northern Nevada. He grew up in a small town and a big city. He fell in with a not-so-good crowd, we will leave it at that.

In 10th grade, he was asked in not so uncertain terms not to come back to high school. Two weeks later he took and passed his GED and started working with his dad doing pipeline construction making $28 an hour working 14 hours, 6 days a week.

The Military

David joined the Army right after September 11th, 2001, and started basic training at Fort Benning, Ga. David’s first and only duty station was Fort Hood, TX. He was in A Co. 13th Signal Battalion, 3BSTB, and 215th BSB, 1st Cavalry Division.

David deployed in 2004 – 2005 (15 months) to Baghdad, Iraq.

Operation Iraqi Freedom II 2004 - 2005

Baghdad, IQ

SPC Hartshorn and SSG Ewing

After Iraq, David went to the Philippines. He spent 30 days in Olongapo near Subic Bay. This marked the first time David traveled to a different country for fun. He had so much fun, great food (even with food poisoning for a week), and loved people all around, making this trip the cornerstone of his passion to explore.

Well, back to the “real” world and another 15-month deployment 2005 – 2006. This time to FOB Warhorse, IQ. This was one of the deadliest tours. Several times, David was in the direct line of fire.

Operation Iraqi Freedom IV 2005 - 2006

FOB Warhorse, Iraq

Post Military

After seven and a half years in the military, David received a medical retirement and an Honorable Discharge.

After the Army, David used his VA benefits and received his AA degree, BS (this took a while), and Master’s degree. During this time, he went with his family gold prospecting, opal hunting, and RVing in CA and NV. On their return to TX, he accepted a contract position working on the Counter Rocket, Artillery, and Mortar (CRAM) in Afghanistan.

While in Afghanistan, David accepted a better opportunity as the IT Manager of Combat Operation Base Speicher, IQ. Tired of being away from his family, David resigned and went home to his 2-year-old daughter Lillian and 3-year-old son Gabriel.

Surviving Adventures - Family, Career, & Adventure | Meet David 3

David never let education get in the way of his learning. Missing the comradery of the Army he took several classes in primitive survival, executive protection, high threat personal security detachment (PSD), firearms, and medical.

Another contract opportunity, this time stateside, comes about. So, he moved his family from TX to Port Orchard, WA, and he worked in West Seattle. David applied for a Government position in Seoul, South Korea. He was hired, but it took nine months for the hiring process. During this time, on January 1st, 2015, his father died.

South Korea

This was by far the BEST decision EVER! Seattle was putting a strain on David, and a change of environment helped. Living in Seoul, with 35.5 million people, was a huge culture shock and opportunity. In the three and a half years they lived in South Korea, they traveled and experienced Asia. This is where Surviving Adventures was hatched.

They were able to share this experience with not only Gabe, Lily, and Maria but also David’s mom and brother.

Coming Back to America

Accepting a promotion as an Information Technology Customer Service Branch Chief, David, and his family came back to the US to a state they have never been. Pennsylvania what an experience. They were so close to many interesting places to visit like Niagara Falls (both NY and Canada), Gettysburg, New York, Washington DC, and so much more.

North to Alaska

PA was one of the lowest times in David’s life. A toxic work environment and long commutes contributed to this. David accepted a lateral position with the US Army Corps of Engineers in the “Last Frontier,” Alaska!

In a week, they packed up the house, sold a car, shipped the truck, and packed the van. They took a 5,800-mile Mega road trip. During the height of Covid!

Washington, DC

After two years in Alaska, they wanted something new. So, when the opportunity called, David answered it—packing up the family again and moving to the DC area to work for the Peace Corps. 


  • My children and showing them the world. Oh, and irritating them 😉
  • Telling awful dad jokes
  • Being the adventurous one (winging it and saying “Don’t Panic”)
  • Nerd stuff (IT, video making, video gaming, droning, building computers, Syfy, all of it)
  • Snobby coffee and overpriced artisanal bourgeois food
  • Making things with my hands or brain
  • Outdoors (scuba diving, fishing, hunting, shooting, primitive survival, farming, glamping)
  • Audible (I may be addicted to over 1000 books and growing)
  • Stock Market and trading
  • The IT Crowd… & The Iron Druid Chronicles