Riding a Harley Davidson in Seoul

road man people woman

I dropped my phone at 60 MPH!! I was so lucky that it got stuck between my foot and the bike. I did hit 8000 miles on this 2002 Harley Davidson 883.

Surviving Seoul Riding a Harley Davidson part 1

Surviving Adventures - Family, Career, & Adventure | Surviving Seoul Riding a Harley Davidson part 1 3

This is my first video. Wow, I have come a long way in my editing skills, I have a long way to go but I am loving the trip. My friend in South Korea, Nic from IamYakYakTv, and I were brand new to videos and YouTube.  We were bouncing around ideas and learning tips and tricks. So what is it like to ride in South Korea?

Well I lived in Seoul and the city has about 35.5 million people and the rules of the road don’t always apply. I am riding a Harley Davidson 883, my motorcycle is small but that helps out a lot in the city. I do miss how I had to always be alert to everything, here in the States it’s an open road, and people, for the most part, follow the law and signs.